I finally finished updating the blog! The coding took me forever, but what do you think? The graphics were a lot of fun to create. I'll make some of the resources (buttons, icons, etc.) available to you guys to use soon. I'll be posting the social media icon set I made on tumblr, for example. I hope the design isn't confusing and that it's easier to navigate!
This beautiful place full of falling twinkly dots (they look like stars to me!) is The Gallery Gift Shop sim, which currently is holding a 2nd Anniversary hunt. It has some of my favorite designers like WEG and UMEBOSHI. You can find it here.
As I'm sure you all know, the Hair Fair with Wigs for Kids has been going on! The sim is colorful and lego-themed with amazing designers, products, and freebies! I picked up a few things in my spare time. I've been really busy lately, so I wasn't able to post this outfit. I've accumulated a lot of lovely items to show you all over the past few days, so hopefully I can make up for lost time! Enjoy~ ♡
This beautiful place full of falling twinkly dots (they look like stars to me!) is The Gallery Gift Shop sim, which currently is holding a 2nd Anniversary hunt. It has some of my favorite designers like WEG and UMEBOSHI. You can find it here.
As I'm sure you all know, the Hair Fair with Wigs for Kids has been going on! The sim is colorful and lego-themed with amazing designers, products, and freebies! I picked up a few things in my spare time. I've been really busy lately, so I wasn't able to post this outfit. I've accumulated a lot of lovely items to show you all over the past few days, so hopefully I can make up for lost time! Enjoy~ ♡
♡Hair :: Clawtooth by Clawtooth :: Dear Heart (Dreamy Red) :: I love the color of this hair; It's so striking! This is a 1L gift at the Clawtooth booth in the Hair Fair. Please look at my tips below because the sim is really busy and crowded!
♡Eyes :: REDGRAVE :: Hollywood Blue :: No longer available.
♡Blush :: Essences :: Contour Coral Blush :: Essences recently opened again! They have a lovely group gift available as well. Unfortunately, this blush isn't there anymore. Sorry!
♡Freckles :: C'est la vie :: Cheek + Freckle :: This is one of the most well made freckle products I've tried in awhile. It's a group gift that comes with a cute apple beret. :)
♡Lip :: *CUPCAKES :: Freestyle Lip Stain #2 :: I love this lip stain! It's so bright, and it makes lips look delightfully juicy! It's free at Free*Style.
♡Stockings :: *.amato.* :: Osakana Socks (Plain) :: Adorable socks available for free, along with other great items meant to help out newbies!
♡Bow :: LavandaChic* :: From Choco Easter Egg :: Old hunt gift.
♡Necklace:: Zibska :: Fleurette Necklace :: 1L gift at the Hair Fair! Comes with tons of colors of Fleurette eyeshadows, and a set of matching earrings. Get it here.
The Hair Fair is probably the most publicized and awaited fashion event of SL. Because of this, it's currently extremely crowded! Even though it's been split into four sims, it's still hard to get in and navigate. I've come up with a few handy tips to help you get your precious merch ASAP!
1. Put on the bare basics before going -- keep it simple with a top, bottom, and hair only. This will reduce the lag!
2. Turn off all optional shaders (you can find these checkboxes at Me >> Preferences >> Graphics on the left.) You can also adjust quality and speed, but don't set everything to low, 'cause don't you want to see all the lovely hairs in top-notch quality? ♡
3. Sometimes it'll be hard to get in because the sims are full. In this case, just keep touching teleport until it opens up, or try another sim. Once you get in, you will be able to find red borders between sims. When you want to go to another area, instead of clicking teleport until your hands hurt, you can walk into the border several times until you're let in. This is easier and faster~
4. If walking is laggy and difficult for you, you can click option/alt + a click to zoom into stores. This way, you won't have to walk all the way down the aisles to get to your favorite booth!
5. If your browser is anything like mine -- laggy and slow -- it'll take forever to load the buy window. Instead of clicking on objects, you can right click objects you want and click buy there. The window will open up immediately!
I hope this helped!

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